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The city of Paris where I have been living for almost 40 years is the main inspiration for my photos. I approach my work as a photographer in two ways. The focal point, the one that gives me the most joy is the one that concerns the people I photograph in the street. It's been almost five years since I discovered Vivian Maier's photos. Inspired by the sensitivity of her work, I made more than 4000 black and white photos showing the incredible kaleidoscope of Parisians of all ages, from all walks of life, from all ethnic and social backgrounds. What matters to me, what I seek to achieve is to capture the humanity of the people I meet, their loneliness, their joys, their sadness, their soul. In short, I would also like this photographic collection to be a benevolent testimony to the diversity of all those people who are embarking on this new millennium that is preparing a profound societal upheaval.


My second intention is to find nooks, unexpected corners, while seeking to adopt an authentic point of view. With black-and-white and color images, I seek to show places that may seem insignificant to passers-by who forget to linger. What a wonderful way to discover a place with the goal of immortalizing it !

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